Friday, February 26, 2010

Launch of Bloom box fuel cell: Bloom Energy press conference details

Bloom Energy fuel cell company unfurled the blueprint of their Bloom Box mass production today. Details of new technology was made public in Bloom Energy press conference at eBay campus in Silicon Valley. Bloom Box Launch was attended by Colin Powell, Secretary of State and Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor of California. Bloom energy is aimed at generating a clean reliable energy to be made available at an affordable price. The green energy source Bloom Box claims to be 60% cleaner as compared to a Bloom Box power plant. In addition, it will have the specialty to produce power on demand and on site.
Bloom Energy fuel cell can produce electricity by taking any of those fuel cells. It would produce electricity without any chemical plants that are complex and need to process the fuel. It is wireless and it will enable a user to make his own electricity.
Bloom Box is said to be a revolutionizing concept as an alternate energy solution for future. In contrary to the notion, the fuel experts said Bloom Box technology is not revolutionary. They claim it not the cheapest fuel cell system. According to fuel cell expert from Colorado School of Mines, Nigel Sammes there is nothing new in Bloom Box and you can find out the same stuff on some websites.
It remains to see whether Bloom Energy serves as the alternative energy solution for future. You can find out more details on bloom energy here.

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